- Recycle gaming equipment
- About Material Focus
- About Recycle Your Electricals
- About us
- Apply for funding
- Back up SD cards, mobile devices and computers
- Back up videos and music from tape and disk
- Benefits of recycling
- Bulky waste collection
- Contact us
- Cookie Policy
- Donate electrical goods
- Electric kettle recycling
- Electric toothbrushes
- Entertainment, toys and leisure equipment
- Ethical jewellery from recycled electricals
- Fresh start for old electricals with Give-Back January
- Get involved
- Gregg Segal’s hidden treasure
- Headphone recycling
- Hidden treasure in our homes
- Home
- How do I delete my data?
- How do I sort out my cables?
- How electrical recycling works
- How to recycle a breadmaker
- How to recycle electronics and electricals
- How to recycle printers
- HypnoCat
- International E-Waste Day 2024 – The Great Cable Challenge
- Lighting and lightbulbs
- Little Spring Clean 2021
- Locator Down for Maintenance
- Love your old toaster
- Microwave recycling
- Mobile phones
- My Account
- News
- Newsletter sign-up
- Nicola Roberts dazzles in dress from recycled electricals
- Personal grooming appliances
- Pledge
- Power tools, gardening and DIY
- Prepare electricals for recycling
- Press releases
- Privacy Policy
- Recycle fridges and freezers
- Recycle kitchen appliances
- Recycle laptops, desktop computers and accessories
- Recycle TVs
- Recycle Your Electricals partnerships
- Recycling a popcorn maker
- Recycling air fryers
- Recycling batteries
- Recycling blenders
- Recycling cables
- Recycling Coffee machines
- Recycling household appliances
- Recycling kids’ toys
- Recycling locator
- Recycling smart devices and IT
- Recycling vapes
- Recycling washing machines
- Register
- Repair electronics
- Resources
- Retailers will take back your old electricals
- Secret thrower?
- Sell your electricals
- Sitemap
- Speaker recycling
- Terms & Conditions
- Thank you – Contact Us
- Thank you – Newsletter Signup
- Thank you – Registration
- Toasters
- Vacuum cleaners recycling
- WEEE Regulations
- What can be recycled?
- What is FastTech?
- What is the issue?
- Zandra Rhodes electrical tote
- Can you recycle tablets?
- Do charity shops take electrical goods?
- Do retailers offer appliance recycling?
- How to delete your personal data safely from smart devices
- Is there lawn mower disposal near me?
- Sustainable jewellery – the beauty of recycling
- What is WEEE recycling and why is it so important?
- Where can I recycle my kettle?
- Where do I go for lawn mower recycling?
- Where do I go for power tools recycling?
- Fires: the hidden hazards of binning batteries
- How to wrap up Christmas in a sustainable way
- Sustainable Valentine’s gifts: recycled electrical jewellery
- Alex Sipa dress ‘shows how beautiful recycling can be’ says Nicola Roberts
- Best tips for being more sustainable on Black Friday
- Can old devices really change lives?
- Decluttering your home?
- DJ Downsy on the scale of old electricals at home
- Don’t forget to recycle electricals, says Just Eilidh
- Donating old tech a Christmas bonus for Captain Bobcat
- Electricals in the rubbish bin? No thanks, says Tonia Buxton
- Electricals: hoard or throw?
- Fiona discovers the easy way to recycle electricals
- Gregg Segal, award-winning photographer
- Harold Tillman hails Nicola Roberts dress made from electrical cables
- Hidden Treasures Artwork Exhibitions
- How to declutter old electricals
- How to make money from your unwanted electricals
- How to start selling your electricals online: nine top tips
- Kate has designs on her old electricals
- Kate welcomes focus on recycling plastics
- Lily Cole with ethical jewellery from recycled electricals
- Liz gets the children recycling electricals
- New Years Eco-lutions
- Nick Ede recycles electricals in style on Cyber Monday
- Nicola Lewis on decluttering electricals
- Our love of kitchen appliances and gadgets: Ortis Deley talks FadTech
- Paul Lewis says sell, donate or recycle your old electricals
- Paul takes electrical recycling personally
- Rachelle: zero waste with old electricals?
- Reuse apprentice Callum gives electricals a second life
- Royal Mint to extract gold from smart phones
- Royal Mint to turn electronic waste into gold
- Sam finds the smart way to recycle devices
- Sell electronics – it’s cash for nowt, says Paul Lewis
- Steve: on a mission to sort and save old electricals from landfill
- The cable clutter chronicles: real stories from The Great Cable Challenge
- Tips for your old electricals
- Top tips for a sustainable house move
- Top tips for recycling, selling and donating old electricals at university
- Turning discarded electrical wire into high fashion – Alexandra Sipa
- Used electronics price guide
- What goes on behind closed (garage) doors
- What to do with old kids toys